What is NRE (Non Resident External) FD and how much Interest Rate on NRE?

You will need to open either an NRE (Non Resident external), NRO (Non Resident ordinary), or FCNR (Foreign Currency Non Resident Account). Each of these accounts serve a different purpose and you need to choose an account which fits your needs. While FCNR is the best option to protect your money from exchange rate fluctuation, an NRE account will provide tax free interest and NRO account would be ideal if you want to keep dividend, salary or rental income in Indian Rupees (INR).
Let us try to understand these accounts better from the NRI (your) perspective.
 As discussed earlier, you need to identify why you want to open a particular account. Once you are clear about the objective, be it remitting funds, keeping dividend or rental income or protecting your money from foreign exchange risk, you are ready to open the account.  

NRE Account

If you need flexibility in remitting your earnings to India or repatriating them back to your home country, this account would serve your purpose. It is a tax-free account and the interest is tax free as well. The fixed deposit rates are currently 6.60% for short-term deposits, so you could open an FD after opening a savings account.
You cannot deposit Indian currency, income from salary, rent, or dividends here. Also, when you repatriate money, you are exposed to exchange-rate risk.
However, don't open an FCNR account with funds from your NRE account as you will be charged two-way exchange conversion costs.
