Last year i.e. in 2019 India's home loan market touched a whopping Rs 19.3 lakh crore which is a huge amount. There are various flexible options provided by the banks and NBFCs to fulfill their dream of a beautiful home. Options like home loan, home construction loan, home extension loan, home improvement loan. By the records of home loans, there is a huge power of home improvement loan as nobody wants an old home. Every home needs improvement after a period of time and this requires a huge amount.
What is a home improvement loan?
As the name indicates this loan is for home renovation projects because after a period of time every home needs some of the improvements like painting, floor cleaning and more. This is a type of secure loan. The amount disbursed by the lender can be used for the modification as per the owner's wants.
Eligibility for home improvement loan
There is a criteria that an individual has to follow for a home improvement loan. You have to follow the criteria very strictly otherwise your loan application may be rejected.
Read More:
Get A Home Loan – 5 Ways To Increase Your Loan Approval Chances!
What is a home improvement loan?
As the name indicates this loan is for home renovation projects because after a period of time every home needs some of the improvements like painting, floor cleaning and more. This is a type of secure loan. The amount disbursed by the lender can be used for the modification as per the owner's wants.
Eligibility for home improvement loan
There is a criteria that an individual has to follow for a home improvement loan. You have to follow the criteria very strictly otherwise your loan application may be rejected.
- Age should be more than 18 years or less than 70 years for this type of loan.
- The monthly income of the individual who is applying for the loan should be Rs. 25000 or more.
- Salaried individuals should have at least 3 years of work experience.
- Non- Salaried individuals should have at least 5 years of experience in business firmness.
- For maximizing the loan limit, 3 individuals of the family can be added as the co-applicant in this loan.
Read More:
Get A Home Loan – 5 Ways To Increase Your Loan Approval Chances!
Thank you for sharing this information about Home Improvement Loans. It's very helpful.